About us

The Tree House is a second-hand bookshop and sometime live music venue in Kenilworth, Warwickshire. We are a limited company, but give our profits to charity. We support three charities, one local, one national, one international – see below for details of these.

We are open Monday to Saturday, 10am to 5pm and Sunday, 11am to 4pm

Tel. 01926 257420

Email info@treehousebookshop.co.uk

The Tree House Bookshop is a second-hand bookshop by the clock tower in Kenilworth.  Our aim is to keep books in circulation, including out of print books, and to encourage people to read; we see selling secondhand books as a form of recycling, The money we make keeps the bookshop going, and any profits are given to charity.  We have a book club, a weekly craft group, a weekly guided meditation session, a monthly open mic for music and spoken word, and other events as and when, including  art lectures and films.

Above all, we are a bookshop, with very reasonably priced second-hand books, and all our books are donated – we don’t buy books.  If you would like to donate books, just bring them in!  The aim of the bookshop is to keep books accessible and affordable to people of all ages and all tastes.

The three charities we currently support are:

Radio Abbey – our local community radio station, run from the Kenilworth Centre. Victoria, who runs the Tree House, is also a presenter on Radio Abbey.

Help Musicians UK – we did what we could to support musicians through the covid-19 pandemic, and continue to do so as they rebuild their live gig careers. Help Musicians UK does great work to support musicians in many different ways.

Ellis Park, Sumatra – a new venture giving a permanent home to animals who have been so badly mistreated that they cannot be released into the wild. Named for our patron, musician Warren Ellis, who bought the land for the park and is one of the founders of this amazing place.

10 thoughts on “About us

  1. Victoria,
    Your venture sounds very exciting and worthwhile. I have about 40 books – modern fiction, Victorian fiction, art and art history which I would love to donate towards your opening stock. The only problem is getting them to you as I live in Teesside, don’t drive and the postage woud be prohibitive. If you can come up with a solution then you are welcome to the books free of charge. Good luck in any event!


  2. Thank you Janet! I am starting to think about how to transport things from faraway places – have had an offer of around 200 books from Blackpool too – if I find a solution, I will get in touch and see if you still have them! I’m getting closer to some sort of opening, which is lovely.


  3. Pingback: Bookshop business for sale in Kenilworth | Creative Enterprise free business support for west midlands artists and designers and craft

  4. Pingback: Bookshop Tour on Four Wheels – The Tree House Bookshop, Kenilworth – Northern Reader

  5. Could you please tell me when your book club and craft group meet and how I could join them? I am interested in both.
    Many thanks and kind regards


    • Hello Kathryn – details are under the Events tab – https://treehousebookshop.co.uk/regular-events/

      The craft club is still meeting on Zoom, to which you’d be very welcome if you would like to join, let me know and I’ll send you the link. The book club is run by Ian Fraser – his email address is in the info on the Events page. Would be lovely to see you! Next book club meeting is this coming Wednesday, 26 April, at the bookshop, 7.30pm, so you could just come along to that if you like. Don’t worry about not having read the book – I haven’t either!


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